
Officers for 2024-2025

  • Chair
    George Hoyle
  • Vice Chair
    Mae Douglas
  • Secretary
    Linda Sloan
  • Executive Committee Member
    Dean Priddy
  • Executive Committee Member
    Tim Rice

Committee Membership for 2024-2025

Committees of the Board of Trustees are established pursuant to Board Bylaws and Delegations of Authority. By majority vote, the Board may establish additional special committees and prescribe their duties as deemed necessary.

Academic Affairs Committee (AAC)

Athletics Committee (ATH)

Compliance, Audit, Risk Management and Legal Affairs (CARL)

Executive Committee (EXEC)

Finance and Administration (FAC)

Grievance Committee (GRV)

Nominating Committee (NOM)

University Advancement Committee (UAC)

  • Margaret S. Benjamin, Chair
  • Oita Coleman
  • Dr. Ernest J. Grant
  • George Hoyle
  • Dale Phipps
  • Linda Sloan
  • Liaison: Catherine Grossman, 336-256-8597, [email protected]